Welcome folks!
I’m Hoof Trimmer, Graeme Parker - also known as The Hoof GP on YouTube where I teach and promote hoof care standards.
My YouTube channel grew incredibly, and I’ve been constantly asked by farmers like you how they can master the key skills to keep their cattle healthy, stop them going lame, and save them money in the process.
To do that, you need to add effective hoof care and treatment to your repertoire.
But that can be daunting. You know lame cows cause you a lot of issues and cost you a lot of money. It’s not a one-off thing either or a quick fix, it’s a regular problem for you and your farm.
Maybe you’ve never tried hoof trimming... or perhaps you’ve given it a go but found it easier to call in a specialist. Seeing a specialist do such a fantastic job can make you feel like it's better to pay them (no matter how much the costs add up). Even then, you may find it hard to understand what’s going on and communicate that to various specialists like vets and hoof trimmers with what’s happening.
However you know that you can do it yourself, take more ownership over your cattle’s health, and save money. I truly believe with the right guidance and training any farmer can master the skills they need to care for their cattle.
This is why I have been sharing my expertise with farmers through the Hoof GP YouTube channel that’s gotten around half a million subscribers. The feedback on the channel is fantastic but I wanted to give you a serious, much more detailed, and structured way to get to grips with hoof trimming so that you can really make a difference on your farm and save money.
I’ve created an online functional hoof trimming course that will teach you everything you need to know. I'm going to take you from wherever you are now (even if you’re a beginner) to treating lesions and more.
Get started with my free module from my Functional Cattle Hoof Trimming - Full Course and prevent harmful and costly lesions!

Get access to my Long Term Impact of Hoof Lesions Module for FREE and discover the true financial impact of poor hoof care!
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